How to make traditional rqaq bread

Make Traditional RQAQ Bread


The traditional RQAQ bread was made by our grandmothers then our mothers then we learned it from them and after that we would teach our daughters and grandchildren.

Making RQAQ bread is so much easy not like what some people think.

To make this bread you need 3 cups of flour, 1 and half spoon of salt and water. The water you put in the flour to make the dough it depend in the flour cups.

To make this bread you need 3 cups of flour, 1 and half spoon of salt and water. The water you put in the flour to make the dough it depend in the flour cups.

First step, knead the flour while you putting the water for 10-15 min, after you finish making the dough put the salt on the top with half cup of water to make the salt Dissolves to mix it easily.

First step, knead the flour while you putting the water for 10-15 min, after you finish making the dough put the salt on the top with half cup of water to make the salt Dissolves to mix it easily.

To put in the top of the bread you need 4 eggs with 2 spoons of sugar. If you wonder why we put the sugar that because we want to make a honey test. That is very  Delicious thing to put in this bread.

To put in the top of the bread you need 4 eggs with 2 spoons of sugar. If you wonder why we put the sugar that because we want to make a honey test. That is very Delicious thing to put in this bread.

After putting the eggs in the bowl, put the sugar while you are mixing the eggs together and mix it for 1 min to make sure that the sugar is Dissolves.

After putting the eggs in the bowl, put the sugar while you are mixing the eggs together and mix it for 1 min to make sure that the sugar is Dissolves.

Next, put 3 spoon of Margarine in the bowl then put it in the microwave to make it Dissolves. That to make it ready when we need it.

Next, put 3 spoon of Margarine in the bowl then put it in the microwave to make it Dissolves. That to make it ready when we need it.

After you know the Ingredients now you ready to make the RQAQ bread.

First, Put the Dough on a Skillet on the fire. Make it in a big thin circle shape. To look like a big lays chips.

First, Put the Dough on a Skillet on the fire. Make it in a big thin circle shape. To look like a big lays chips.

In this step, distribute the eggs on  the top of the RQAQ bread in a circle move to make the egg goes in the all of the bread.

In this step, distribute the eggs on the top of the RQAQ bread in a circle move to make the egg goes in the all of the bread.

After putting the eggs, distribute the Margarine like what you did with the egg but in this step don't put too much Margarine. Putting a simple quantity is enough.

After putting the eggs, distribute the Margarine like what you did with the egg but in this step don't put too much Margarine. Putting a simple quantity is enough.

When you finish, take the bread off the dish. Then eat it with a hot cup of kark tea. You most try to do it. It's easy and tasty.

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