How to make the ultimate burger mix

Make the Ultimate Burger Mix


Kitchen Aid mixer with meat grinder attachment

Kitchen Aid mixer with meat grinder attachment

The meat mix I use for the best flavor is 40% beef short ribs. Pictured before I trimmed the meat from bone.  I like to use the bones to make beef stock for later use.

The meat mix I use for the best flavor is 40% beef short ribs. Pictured before I trimmed the meat from bone. I like to use the bones to make beef stock for later use.

30% brisket

30% brisket

30% sirloin steak

30% sirloin steak

Cut meat into strips and feed into the meat grinder set to coarse

Cut meat into strips and feed into the meat grinder set to coarse

Meat on coarse grind

Meat on coarse grind

Run meat again on a smaller grind. You'll now have the best tasting hamburgers you'll ever eat. Not only great for burgers but also for chili, meat sauce and meatballs.

  • Meat grinder
  • Sirloin steak
  • Brisket
  • Beef short ribs