How to make the greatest coco wheats ever

Make the Greatest CoCo Wheats Ever


First bring water to a boil. How much water you add depends on how many people you plan on cooking for. Also, more water will make it soupy, less water will make it stick together.

First bring water to a boil. How much water you add depends on how many people you plan on cooking for. Also, more water will make it soupy, less water will make it stick together.

When water is boiling, start to stir in the  CoCo Wheats, as much as you plan eating. If it still appears soupy like this picture, continue to stir as it boils and will eventually thicken up.

When water is boiling, start to stir in the CoCo Wheats, as much as you plan eating. If it still appears soupy like this picture, continue to stir as it boils and will eventually thicken up.

Not too soupy, not too thick.

Not too soupy, not too thick.

Put it in to a bowl, along with a spoonful of brown sugar and milk; I like to add a little cream also.

Put it in to a bowl, along with a spoonful of brown sugar and milk; I like to add a little cream also.

Stir everything up with your spoon, trying to break up the bigger clumps. Add more sugar or cream for desired taste.

Stir everything up with your spoon, trying to break up the bigger clumps. Add more sugar or cream for desired taste.

It's best to soak your dishes in water, as CoCo Wheats tend to become cemented to them.

It's best to soak your dishes in water, as CoCo Wheats tend to become cemented to them.

  • CoCo wheats
  • Milk
  • Brown sugar
  • Water
  • Cream