How to make the best banana cupcakes

Serves 12


Preheat your oven at gas mark 3, which is 170 Celsius or 325 Fahrenheit \u263a\ufe0f

Preheat your oven at gas mark 3, which is 170 Celsius or 325 Fahrenheit ☺️

Sieve the flour into a large mixing bowl.

Sieve the flour into a large mixing bowl.

Then add the sugar and baking powder!

Then add the sugar and baking powder!

Next up is the cinnamon and ginger...

Next up is the cinnamon and ginger...

Add the butter, this is best used at room temperature.

Add the butter, this is best used at room temperature.

Use an handheld electric whisk or stand mixer to combine your ingredients.

Use an handheld electric whisk or stand mixer to combine your ingredients.

Mix until a sand like consistency - it's okay if there are a few lumps \u263a\ufe0f

Mix until a sand like consistency - it's okay if there are a few lumps ☺️

Pour in the milk and beat the mix as you do so until everything is combined.

Pour in the milk and beat the mix as you do so until everything is combined.

Next add the eggs and do the same.

Next add the eggs and do the same.

Now it should look like this! It should be slightly runny, add a touch more flour if you think it's tooooo runny.

Now it should look like this! It should be slightly runny, add a touch more flour if you think it's tooooo runny.

Next mix in (by hand, not whisk) the mashed banana until it's evenly dispersed throughout the mix.

Next mix in (by hand, not whisk) the mashed banana until it's evenly dispersed throughout the mix.

Set out 12 cupcake cases in a cupcake tin - although your mix may stretch further than this!

Set out 12 cupcake cases in a cupcake tin - although your mix may stretch further than this!

Fill the cases about 2/3 full and then put in the oven for around 20 minutes.

Fill the cases about 2/3 full and then put in the oven for around 20 minutes.

Here's the finished product! When the cakes are done they should spring back when touched, and you can insert a cocktail stick into the middle of them, and if it comes out clean then they're done  \u263a\ufe0f

Here's the finished product! When the cakes are done they should spring back when touched, and you can insert a cocktail stick into the middle of them, and if it comes out clean then they're done ☺️

You can add vanilla, chocolate or cream cheese frosting to them or just eat them plain - whatever you fancy! Enjoy 🎂

  • 120g plain flour
  • 140g caster sugar
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 120ml milk
  • 80g butter
  • 2 medium eggs
  • 120g mashed banana, so about 2