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Gather your ingredients 👍
Next, cut the ingredients
We cut our bacon so that it fit in the tortilla perfectly. This is optional! But, whatever you do, just make sure you cook that bacon nice and crispy 😉
Be sure to sop excess bacon fat!
WARNING: Resist. Bacon. Seduction!! *drools*
Next up, scramble your eggs. Throw in some green onion if you'd like - for colour!
Now, grate cheese
Lay tortilla
Now, bacon
Avocado on top
Put as much cheese as you prefer. You can never have too much cheese! ...Unless it's cheddar, that is 😒 (Sorry cheddar lovers 😝)
Final layer: Sour Cream!
Wrap it all up, and there you have it! We assembled this one to be vegetarian for Sean's mom 😛❤️