How to make teenage mutant ninja turtle cupcakes

Make Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Cupcakes


Make cupcakes according to the directions, whatever flavor is the birthday boy's favorite!

Make cupcakes according to the directions, whatever flavor is the birthday boy's favorite!

Use icing gel to make bright green and ice the cupcakes.

Use icing gel to make bright green and ice the cupcakes.

Cut the blue sugar sheet into a bandana shape for the turtles eyes.

Cut the blue sugar sheet into a bandana shape for the turtles eyes.

Put 2 candy eyes on top of each bandana.

Put 2 candy eyes on top of each bandana.

Add a little black mouth! You're finished!!

  • Cake mix
  • Sugar sheets
  • Candy eyeballs
  • Frosting
  • Green Icing Gel
  • Black Icing Gel