How to make tasty & delicious browines

Make Tasty & Delicious Browines


To start place the butter and 335g of chocolate in a pan and on a low heat melt gently, stirring occasionally

To start place the butter and 335g of chocolate in a pan and on a low heat melt gently, stirring occasionally

In a separate bowl place the eggs, sugar and vanilla and give it a good mix!

In a separate bowl place the eggs, sugar and vanilla and give it a good mix!

Once the chocolate and butter have melted allow to cool slightly, In another bowl mix the flour and salt together setting it aside for now

Mix the egg and chocolate mixture together, then incorporate the flour and salt given it a good mix! Don't worry about lumps, they are brilliant for brownies, so I'm ordering you to be lazy!

Throw in 50g of white chocolate chips and mix together. Don't worry about the mixture not being thick it will keep the brownies nice and moist

Throw in 50g of white chocolate chips and mix together. Don't worry about the mixture not being thick it will keep the brownies nice and moist

Pour into a lined baking tray and scatter the raspberries the top followed with the almonds

Pour into a lined baking tray and scatter the raspberries the top followed with the almonds

Like so! Yum yum

Like so! Yum yum

Now bake at low oven temp roughly 160c for about 40 minutes if you like them thick like me! Or 25 if their normal size :)

Beautiful \u2764\ufe0f allow to coo and cut up!

Beautiful ❤️ allow to coo and cut up!

As I said this is very versatile brownie you can't add more chocolate chips, fudge pieces, different kind of nuts and more fruit take the simple recipe and run with it 💋

Now if your worried about the quantities of sugar, butter and chocolate it's not an everyday brownie a simple treat yum! Plus we can worry about our waistlines in the new year 🎄

  • 400.0g Unsalted butter
  • 335.0g Milk chocolate
  • 300.0g Super fine sugar
  • 6.0 Eggs
  • 1.0Tbsp vanilla extract
  • 170.0g Plain four
  • 1.0tsp Salt
  • 50.0g White chocolate chips
  • 25.0g Flaked almonds
  • 150.0g Raspberries