How to make tamarind simple syrup

Make Tamarind Simple Syrup


Purchase tamarind pods. I got mine in bulk at a Mexican grocery store (Food City).

Purchase tamarind pods. I got mine in bulk at a Mexican grocery store (Food City).

Remove hard shell from tamarind pod and discard.

Remove hard shell from tamarind pod and discard.

Measure 2 cups water

Measure 2 cups water

Add water and 2 cups sugar to a pot on medium-high heat.

Add water and 2 cups sugar to a pot on medium-high heat.

Whisk often.

Whisk often.

Add cleaned  Tamarind pods.  Bring to a boil and reduce heat to low. Let simmer 2 min. Remove from heat and let steep 30 min.

Add cleaned Tamarind pods. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to low. Let simmer 2 min. Remove from heat and let steep 30 min.

Strain through a mesh sieve. Press solids to extract syrup. Discard solids. Strain once more and put into a squirt bottle. Keep in fridge, lasts 2-3 weeks.

Try this delicious simple syrup in your next margarita or mojoto.

  • 2.0c Water
  • 2.0c Sugar
  • 1/4lb Tamarind