How to make tacos de nopal y carne

A recent visit to Chelsea Market' s Tacos #1, had me craving their delish taco specialty.


Remove the cut up nopales from the bag, and chop a bit more. Place the nopales, half an onion and a clove of garlic in a small pot of boiling water. Add a little salt to the water.

Nopales drained

Nopales drained

Allow it to boil for about 10 minutes, before removing the water. I use a plate over the top of the pot to avoid spilling the nopales and to allow the gooey substance commonly known as babas to drain.

Carne (beef) cooked in the crock pot for four hours with a little salt and pepper.

Carne (beef) cooked in the crock pot for four hours with a little salt and pepper.

I typically roast the beef in the crockpot, and cut up or shred for the tacos, but it can be cut into small pieces and fried in a pan.

Add half a tomato, chop the onion and garlic from the boiled nopal and add the cilantro to the pan. Finally, add the cut up pieces of meat.

Add half a tomato, chop the onion and garlic from the boiled nopal and add the cilantro to the pan. Finally, add the cut up pieces of meat.

I threw together this simple salsa to add spice to the tacos.

I threw together this simple salsa to add spice to the tacos.

My favorite corn tortilla brand makes an amazing difference in the overall taste and presentation.

My favorite corn tortilla brand makes an amazing difference in the overall taste and presentation.

I can typically find nopales in the veggie aisle.

I can typically find nopales in the veggie aisle.

The final product. O sole mio truly enjoyed it.

The final product. O sole mio truly enjoyed it.

  • 1 cup of nopales cut up in smaller pieces
  • 1 tomato
  • 1/2 a white onion
  • 1/2 lb beef shoulder TX broil
  • 1 garlic clove
  • All purpose seasoning to taste
  • Cilantro to taste
  • Tortillas de maiz (corn)
  • Salsa and lime optional