How to make sun-tea

Looking for a refreshing drink for Summer and don't wanna get plastered at noon?! Try this Sun-Tea, giving you just the perfect jolt of caffeine! Come by for more fun!


Find your favorite Black Tea and an empty Glass Water Jug.

Find your favorite Black Tea and an empty Glass Water Jug.

Fill with purified Water and 6 Tbsp of Tea Leaves.... Give a good stir!

Fill with purified Water and 6 Tbsp of Tea Leaves.... Give a good stir!

Stir for about 1 minute to really start to open the leaves and give off their yummy flavors.

Stir for about 1 minute to really start to open the leaves and give off their yummy flavors.

Let it sit outside for at least 4 hours to bake in the sun. Bring it inside strain off the leave and dispose. Stir in 1 frozen can of Lemonade concentrate, stir, pour and ENJOY!

  • 6.0 Tbsp Tea
  • 1.0 Jug of Water
  • 1.0 Frozen Lemonade Concentrate
  • 1.0 Sunny Afternoon