How to make sugar nails

i was bored and inspired by my pantry.


first, gather your supplies



rock salt works too. but pour a little of this on a plate.

rock salt works too. but pour a little of this on a plate.

then, paint your nails as usual, i dont care how ya do it. DO NOT use the clear coat yet

wait for your nail polish to dry all the way

wait for your nail polish to dry all the way

put on a generous coat of this -my old and chewed on (thank you dog) clear coat-  ONE NAIL AT A TIME *crucial*

put on a generous coat of this -my old and chewed on (thank you dog) clear coat- ONE NAIL AT A TIME *crucial*

next, gently press your nail into the sugar, and remove excess on the top or edges.

repeat! :D

repeat! :D

lastly, wait for the sugar to set, and carefully apply a second coat of clear polish over the sugar to keep it solidly in place.

  • polish
  • sally hansen hard as nails clear polish
  • crystalized sugar