How to make sugar crystals

Make Sugar Crystals


Five different sugar compounds

Five different sugar compounds

Hypothesis: Natural or least processed sugars will form crystals more successfully.

1 Cup of water and 1/2 cup of sugar

1 Cup of water and 1/2 cup of sugar

Heat and Mix until sugar is dissolved. Don't let it boil!!!

Heat and Mix until sugar is dissolved. Don't let it boil!!!

When it looks like this its time to pour into your jar.

When it looks like this its time to pour into your jar.

Pour in your solution.

Pour in your solution.

Roll your stick in some of the left over sugar and put a stick in the solution. Make sure you have something to support the stick.

Roll your stick in some of the left over sugar and put a stick in the solution. Make sure you have something to support the stick.

The sugars on day 1

Chemical:   Erythritol, stevia leaf extract, and natural flavors.

Chemical: Erythritol, stevia leaf extract, and natural flavors.

Chemical: saccharin and dextrose

Chemical: saccharin and dextrose

Natural: sugar

Natural: sugar

Natural: raw sugar

Natural: raw sugar

Chemical: rebiana, erythritol, and insulin

Chemical: rebiana, erythritol, and insulin

Natural: sugar and molasses

Natural: sugar and molasses

Sugars on day 3

Sugars on day 5

Sugar on day 7

Sweet n' low

Sweet n' low

Plain sugar

Plain sugar

Turbinado sugar

Turbinado sugar

Brown sugar

Brown sugar

Sugar on day 9

Large defined crystals

Large defined crystals

Large defined crystals

Large defined crystals



Large defined crystals

Large defined crystals

Small unformed crystals

Small unformed crystals

No crystals formed

No crystals formed

Data table

Summary: I found out that even though the truvia made crystals the fastest. The natural sugars made bigger and more defined crystals.


  • White sugar
  • Turbinado sugar
  • Stevia blend
  • Truvia
  • Brown sugar
  • Sweet n Low