How to make suet cage template

Make Suet Cage Template


This is a typical suet cage.  Measure the maximum interior dimensions, which this cage is 4 1/2" wide x 4 5/8" height x 1.5" deep.

This is a typical suet cage. Measure the maximum interior dimensions, which this cage is 4 1/2" wide x 4 5/8" height x 1.5" deep.

Sketch out template according to measured dimension.  I made the 4 flaps to be 1 7/8" deep to give extra lip so suet doesn't overflow.

Sketch out template according to measured dimension. I made the 4 flaps to be 1 7/8" deep to give extra lip so suet doesn't overflow.

Cut exterior shape out using stainless steel ruler w/ leather gloves for grip & protection.  Do NOT cut inner square, see next image before cutting.

Cut exterior shape out using stainless steel ruler w/ leather gloves for grip & protection. Do NOT cut inner square, see next image before cutting.

Should look like this so far.

Should look like this so far.

Lightly scour inner square (do NOT cut all the way through).

Lightly scour inner square (do NOT cut all the way through).

Bend all sides.

Bend all sides.

Tape all flaps up securely together, corners shouldn't move much.  NOTE: if the corners are loose then it may pinch the cling wrap liner when making suet blocks.

Tape all flaps up securely together, corners shouldn't move much. NOTE: if the corners are loose then it may pinch the cling wrap liner when making suet blocks.

Optional: I tape all the edges for added durability.  Completed templates, Enjoy!!

Optional: I tape all the edges for added durability. Completed templates, Enjoy!!

Home made suet using cage template.

Pair of Eastern Bluebirds enjoying my suet.

Pair of Eastern Bluebirds enjoying my suet.

Check out my other guide on "How to Make Bird Suet From Scratch".

The creator of this guide has not included tools