How to make stout caramel sauce for ice cream

Have your beer and dessert all in one with this carmel sauce made of a Stout reduction.


Start with a good bottle of Stout. I used Old Rasputin from North Coast Brewing

Start with a good bottle of Stout. I used Old Rasputin from North Coast Brewing

Pour the Stout into a pan and simmer it on the stove for about 10 minutes. Stir it every once and a while while it's cooking down.

Pour the Stout into a pan and simmer it on the stove for about 10 minutes. Stir it every once and a while while it's cooking down.

Add in the butter

Add in the butter

And the brown sugar.

And the brown sugar.

Cook everything for about 12 minutes. Don't stir it! When it reaches 225 degrees on the candy thermometer and turns syrupy,  it's done.

Cook everything for about 12 minutes. Don't stir it! When it reaches 225 degrees on the candy thermometer and turns syrupy, it's done.

Take the pot off the heat. Add the whipping cream, salt and vanilla . Keep stirring as you do this so nothing curdles.

Take the pot off the heat. Add the whipping cream, salt and vanilla . Keep stirring as you do this so nothing curdles.

Put the pan back on the stove. Turn down the heat to medium and cook for another few minutes until the caramel turns thick and creamy. Look for it to coat the back of a spoon.

Put the pan back on the stove. Turn down the heat to medium and cook for another few minutes until the caramel turns thick and creamy. Look for it to coat the back of a spoon.

Serve it up. Drizzle it over ice cream. Enjoy! This stout caramel is also great over vanilla ice cream, and Chocolate Olive Oil Ice Cream  made with Olive oil chocolate from CocoaPlanet.

Serve it up. Drizzle it over ice cream. Enjoy! This stout caramel is also great over vanilla ice cream, and Chocolate Olive Oil Ice Cream made with Olive oil chocolate from CocoaPlanet.

  • 1.0 12 oz Bottle of Stout
  • 2.0Tbsp Unsalted butter
  • 1/2c Dark brown sugar
  • 1.0c Whipping cream
  • 1.0tsp Vanilla extract
  • 1/8tsp Salt