How to make spock's live long and prosper hand sign

Are you an ambassador of well being? Have you always longed to gain Vulcan acceptance? Would you like to speak Dog? Then this is the guide for you!


Loosen your hand(s) before attempting to throw the live long and prosper sign at worthy beings. Your digits must be loose but also strong.

Loosen your hand(s) before attempting to throw the live long and prosper sign at worthy beings. Your digits must be loose but also strong.

Next it's recommended that you practice keeping your fingers as together and as straight as possible. Before casting the sign, it is advised that all hair be removed from your palms!

Next it's recommended that you practice keeping your fingers as together and as straight as possible. Before casting the sign, it is advised that all hair be removed from your palms!

Finally, you must relax all digits and carefully separate your index and middle fingers from your ring and pinky fingers as digital pairs. Practice truly makes perfect, so don't give up!

Finally, you must relax all digits and carefully separate your index and middle fingers from your ring and pinky fingers as digital pairs. Practice truly makes perfect, so don't give up!

  • 1 or 2 Hands