How to make soft-centred cupcakes

Make Soft-Centred Cupcakes


Supply's   6 tbsp soft margarine 82 grams of caster sugar 2 large eggs 127 grams of self-raising flour 2 tbsp of cocoa powder 82 grams of plain chocolate

Supply's 6 tbsp soft margarine 82 grams of caster sugar 2 large eggs 127 grams of self-raising flour 2 tbsp of cocoa powder 82 grams of plain chocolate

Put 12 paper baking cases in a muffin pan.

Put 12 paper baking cases in a muffin pan.

Put the margarine, sugar, egg, flour and cocoa in a large bowl.

Put the margarine, sugar, egg, flour and cocoa in a large bowl.

Using an electric hand whisk, beat together until smooth.

Using an electric hand whisk, beat together until smooth.

Spoon half of the mixture into the paper cases, using a teaspoon and make an indentation in the centre.

Spoon half of the mixture into the paper cases, using a teaspoon and make an indentation in the centre.

Break the chocolate in to 12 squares and place a piece in each indentation.

Break the chocolate in to 12 squares and place a piece in each indentation.

Then spoon the remain mixture on top.

Then spoon the remain mixture on top.

Bake the cupcakes in a preheated oven, 190 degrees  celsius  for 20 minutes or until well risen and springy to touch.

Bake the cupcakes in a preheated oven, 190 degrees celsius for 20 minutes or until well risen and springy to touch.

Once taken out of oven leave cupcakes for 2-3 minutes before serving warm.

Once taken out of oven leave cupcakes for 2-3 minutes before serving warm.

  • 6.0Tbsp Soft margarine
  • 82.0g Caster sugar
  • 2.0 large eggs
  • 128.0g Self-raising flour
  • 2.0Tbsp Cocoa powder
  • Plain chocolate