How to make slime/goo

A really cool slime that is liquid and solid


Put a bit of cornflower in a bowl, as you can see I'm only putting in a little bit because I couldn't find a lot of cornflower

Put a bit of cornflower in a bowl, as you can see I'm only putting in a little bit because I couldn't find a lot of cornflower

If it's stuck together in lumps mix it around

If it's stuck together in lumps mix it around

Push a little bit of water in, only a little at a time

Push a little bit of water in, only a little at a time

Mix it around

Mix it around

More . . .

More . . .

Stop! when it looks smooth and if you slowly tilt the bowl around, it flows like water, but when u mix it hard and fast, it feels really hard, if it feels like water then wait a while and a layer of \u27a1

Stop! when it looks smooth and if you slowly tilt the bowl around, it flows like water, but when u mix it hard and fast, it feels really hard, if it feels like water then wait a while and a layer of ➡

Water should float to the top like the picture before, if it does this mean there is too much water, you should add more cornflour

I had to add a bit more

I had to add a bit more

If you make a lot, you can slam a heavy object on it and if it was made correctly then it should act as if the slime was solid, it's also fun to try to hold it in you hands

Enjoy :)

  • Corn flour
  • Water