How to make slime

Make Slime


Pour the glue into your bowl

Pour the glue into your bowl

Put the lotion in the bowl (3-9 pumps)

Put the lotion in the bowl (3-9 pumps)

Now the shaving cream(about the same amount of glue)

Now the shaving cream(about the same amount of glue)



Food coloring is optional

Food coloring is optional

Mix until no white

Mix until no white

Pour in about a teaspoon

Pour in about a teaspoon

Slowly add it to your mixture

Slowly add it to your mixture

Add till it is no longer sticky

Add till it is no longer sticky

End result

End result

  • You will need
  • Glue
  • Shaving cream
  • Liquid borax
  • Food dye (optional)
  • Lotion