How to make silhouettes on your nail without any talent

Make Silhouettes on Your Nail Without Any Talent


Find supplies  ( you can cut out small stickers or use real stickers to do this )

Find supplies ( you can cut out small stickers or use real stickers to do this )

Find hand

Find hand

Make sure there are no mistakes before punching the hole

Make sure there are no mistakes before punching the hole

Now you have these small stickers

Now you have these small stickers

Put on nail ( I'm not going to do them on my nail as it's hard to show)

Put on nail ( I'm not going to do them on my nail as it's hard to show)

Put on

Put on

Add paint wait for it to dry

Add paint wait for it to dry

Then gently  peal off

Then gently peal off

  • Nail polish
  • Nail
  • Tape
  • Cutter