How to make scratch off valentines day coupons

Make Scratch Off Valentines Day Coupons


Use my provided valentine's day scratch off card template. Provided as a word doc Or you can create your own template. Give 3 or more scratch off options and print cards.

Use my provided valentine's day scratch off card template. Provided as a word doc Or you can create your own template. Give 3 or more scratch off options and print cards.

Color in each option with a white crayon. The waxy layer is what protects your print from the paint and enables you to scratch the paint off later. Make sure you coat each area really well.

Color in each option with a white crayon. The waxy layer is what protects your print from the paint and enables you to scratch the paint off later. Make sure you coat each area really well.

Cover each heart with your metallic acrylic paint. Some of the crayon will show but you can carefully scratch off the excess waxy layer once the paint is dry. Once dry use a coin to scratch them!

  • 1.0 Metallic Acrylic Paint (Silver or Gold)
  • 1.0 White Crayon
  • 3.0 Sheets of notecard paper
  • 1.0 Small Paintbrush
  • 1.0 Inkjet or Laser Printer