How to make sauce bearnaise

Make Sauce Bearnaise


Boil 150ml water in a cooking pan and place a frying pan on top.

Boil 150ml water in a cooking pan and place a frying pan on top.

Break two eggs for the egg yoke in the frying pan. ( This is for 4 people or meals.)

Break two eggs for the egg yoke in the frying pan. ( This is for 4 people or meals.)

Add 1 spoon of white wine per egg in the frying pan with the eggs and butter.

Add 1 spoon of white wine per egg in the frying pan with the eggs and butter.

Add 2 spoons of vinegar per egg in the frying pan with the eggs and wine.

Add 2 spoons of vinegar per egg in the frying pan with the eggs and wine.

Heat the ingredients au bain marie and mix everything up until it's sturdy. (+- 3 min)

Heat the ingredients au bain marie and mix everything up until it's sturdy. (+- 3 min)

Add 40g of butter per egg in the frying pan with the eggs.

Add 40g of butter per egg in the frying pan with the eggs.

Add the tarragon, pepper and salt to finish it up.

  • 2 eggs
  • 40g butter per egg
  • White Wine
  • Pepper
  • Salt