How to make roasted pork belly

This is how you make traditional Asian pork belly


Take your pork belly out and pat it dry

Take your pork belly out and pat it dry

Stab the pork belly skin with the Chinese fork evenly many times to create air pockets for crispy skin when baking

Stab the pork belly skin with the Chinese fork evenly many times to create air pockets for crispy skin when baking

Salt the skin side only. Marinate the pork belly meat with salt, Chinese cooking wine, Five Spice Powder for 6 hours or over night. For extra crispy skin only marinate the meat side of the pork belly

Pat the skin extra dry after marinating

Put the pork belly in a hot oven for an hour at 400 to 425\u00b0 with the skin down first then flip mid- way through

Put the pork belly in a hot oven for an hour at 400 to 425° with the skin down first then flip mid- way through

Cut into bite sized pieces with cleaver and enjoy!

  • 2.0tsp salt
  • 1.0 Splash of Chinese wine
  • 2.0lb fresh pork belly
  • 1.0 Chinese fork
  • 1.0 Five Spice powder
  • 2.0tsp Light soy sauce