How to make really great authentic (spicy) mexican salsa

This salsa is as close as I've come to making the salsa's had while vacationing in Mexico-- it's a quick, easy and super delicious recipe...


7 ingredients! Count em...

7 ingredients! Count em...

Soak your cilantro in water while  you prep! Soaking  takes out that cilantry bitterness!

Soak your cilantro in water while you prep! Soaking takes out that cilantry bitterness!

Slice your jalape\u00f1o, peel your garlic and chop that onion...

Slice your jalapeƱo, peel your garlic and chop that onion...

Launch them into your food processor!

Launch them into your food processor!

Pour in your tomatoes...

Pour in your tomatoes...

Give your a cilantro a good squeeze...

Give your a cilantro a good squeeze...



Roll your lime for maximum juice potential...

Roll your lime for maximum juice potential...

Juice that little bugger!

Juice that little bugger!

A pinch of salt...

A pinch of salt...

Mix down! A good 15 seconds! This salsa is meant to be runny kids!!!

Mix down! A good 15 seconds! This salsa is meant to be runny kids!!!



  • 1.0 28 oz can of whole organic Tomatos
  • 1.0 Bunch of cilantro
  • 1.0 Onion
  • 1.0 Lime
  • 2.0 Garlic cloves
  • 1.0 Jalapeno or Habanero pepper
  • 2.0pch Salt