How to make really cool book markers!

Make Really Cool Book Markers!


This will you need^^

This will you need^^

Take a square paper (mine is 7x7 cm), and place it on your big paper in the lowest corner

Take a square paper (mine is 7x7 cm), and place it on your big paper in the lowest corner

Then, paint around the little paper with your pen.

Then, paint around the little paper with your pen.

Do it again

Do it again

And again again :)

And again again :)

Paint a line in one of the squarers

Paint a line in one of the squarers

And one more in the another squarer

And one more in the another squarer

And now, it should look like this :)

And now, it should look like this :)



Fold it out

Fold it out

And put some glue on it

And put some glue on it

And fold back again :)

And fold back again :)

Cut and paint some nice eyes

Cut and paint some nice eyes

Put glue on them...

Put glue on them...

... And sit them on your book marker

... And sit them on your book marker

Take a paper in its 'mouth'

Take a paper in its 'mouth'

Paint two small lines, so you can see were you should cut :)

Paint two small lines, so you can see were you should cut :)

And then, cut some teeth.

And then, cut some teeth.

Put glue on

Put glue on



You can made more if you wont. They are perfect to gifts for your mom, dad or friends ;)

The creator of this guide has not included tools