How to make raw food fudge

The healthiest and easiest fudge ever!


Start with a trip to a wholefoods store to buy some fresh shredded coconut. If you try using stuff that's been sitting in your pantry for a year, you might have a hard time making it into butter!

Start with a trip to a wholefoods store to buy some fresh shredded coconut. If you try using stuff that's been sitting in your pantry for a year, you might have a hard time making it into butter!

Throw the coconut into your food processor.

Throw the coconut into your food processor.

Add your coconut oil. The oil hardens at about 25\u00b0C; where I live the temperature was about 10\u00b0C. I am freezing. I ended up adding a lot more than this, about 2 Tbsp in fact!

Add your coconut oil. The oil hardens at about 25°C; where I live the temperature was about 10°C. I am freezing. I ended up adding a lot more than this, about 2 Tbsp in fact!

Turn your machine on.

Many, many times. Every 20 seconds or so.

Finally, after about 10 minutes, you'll end up with something like this. It's thick and buttery, still not as smooth as I want it but it will do! By all means, try and make yours smoother :o)

Finally, after about 10 minutes, you'll end up with something like this. It's thick and buttery, still not as smooth as I want it but it will do! By all means, try and make yours smoother :o)

Get your peanut paste. My wholefoods store grind their own on the premises -- just pure peanuts, nothing added! If you can't get this wonderful stuff, find a peanut butter with the least additives.

Get your peanut paste. My wholefoods store grind their own on the premises -- just pure peanuts, nothing added! If you can't get this wonderful stuff, find a peanut butter with the least additives.

Chuck in a few large tablespoons, 3-4 depending on your taste. And I mean very large.

Chuck in a few large tablespoons, 3-4 depending on your taste. And I mean very large.

Throw in 1/2 cup of cocoa powder. Don't worry about sifting, we're not baking a pretty little cake here! If using raw cocoa, be mindful it has a stronger flavour so you would probably add less.

Throw in 1/2 cup of cocoa powder. Don't worry about sifting, we're not baking a pretty little cake here! If using raw cocoa, be mindful it has a stronger flavour so you would probably add less.

The white powdery stuff is vanilla crystals. I would have scraped out some vanilla beans instead but couldn't find them in the house (boyfriend must have used them up when making his cheesecake).

The white powdery stuff is vanilla crystals. I would have scraped out some vanilla beans instead but couldn't find them in the house (boyfriend must have used them up when making his cheesecake).

Blend all this together. Now would be a good time to have a little taste :o) You'll probably find yourself thinking it needs a bit of sweetness, and something to take the edge off the bitterness...

Blend all this together. Now would be a good time to have a little taste :o) You'll probably find yourself thinking it needs a bit of sweetness, and something to take the edge off the bitterness...

Peel, break up, and throw in your fresh bananas. Drizzle honey over it all. The recipe calls for agave syrup but I don't know how they make that stuff. "Bee vomit" is good enough for me! Your call ;o)

Peel, break up, and throw in your fresh bananas. Drizzle honey over it all. The recipe calls for agave syrup but I don't know how they make that stuff. "Bee vomit" is good enough for me! Your call ;o)

Blend some more. Still bitter? Add your sea salt, it magically takes away the bitterness! Adjust any other flavours too. I added my 4th Tbsp of peanut paste and my 2nd Tbsp of honey at this point.

Blend some more. Still bitter? Add your sea salt, it magically takes away the bitterness! Adjust any other flavours too. I added my 4th Tbsp of peanut paste and my 2nd Tbsp of honey at this point.

When it has blended well and has become a thick paste, transfer it to a freezer-safe container with a lid. Try to flatten the goop as much as possible. It's difficult to do as it is quite firm.

When it has blended well and has become a thick paste, transfer it to a freezer-safe container with a lid. Try to flatten the goop as much as possible. It's difficult to do as it is quite firm.

That's about as flat as I could get it with a knife!

That's about as flat as I could get it with a knife!

I decided to use my (clean) hands to flatten it more. The heat from my hands softened the coconut oil, which in turn softened my skin, mmmm. Now it's ready to put on the lid and put in the freezer!

I decided to use my (clean) hands to flatten it more. The heat from my hands softened the coconut oil, which in turn softened my skin, mmmm. Now it's ready to put on the lid and put in the freezer!

Freeze for a few hours or overnight. Once sufficiently frozen, you'll have to find a way to cut it up...

I sat my glass container in a shallow bath of hot water for about 5 mins. I then used a butter knife to separate the fudge from the sides of the container and flipped it upside down. Voila!

I sat my glass container in a shallow bath of hot water for about 5 mins. I then used a butter knife to separate the fudge from the sides of the container and flipped it upside down. Voila!

Cut it into jagged, uneven pieces and claim you were going for a rustic look. Food does taste better when it looks rustic! ;o)

Cut it into jagged, uneven pieces and claim you were going for a rustic look. Food does taste better when it looks rustic! ;o)

Stack the pieces so you can take some sexy photos. Oh yeah.

Stack the pieces so you can take some sexy photos. Oh yeah.

Unless you're eating it straight away, you should store your fudge in the freezer. Space them out and use wax paper to separate, to make it easier to sneak out a little piece here and there...

Unless you're eating it straight away, you should store your fudge in the freezer. Space them out and use wax paper to separate, to make it easier to sneak out a little piece here and there...

And there you have it. Fudge made healthy! It tastes amazing too. Who would have thunk it? 😊

  • 1.0c Fresh shredded coconut
  • 1.0Tbsp Coconut oil
  • 1/2c Raw cocoa or cocoa powder
  • 4.0Tbsp Fresh peanut paste
  • 2.0 Small, ripe bananas
  • 2.0Tbsp Honey
  • 1.0tsp Sea salt
  • Vanilla extract