How to make quinoa and oat granola

Quinoa adds some extra crunch and protein to this granola recipe.


Gather the ingredients. The quinoa should be uncooked. Pre-heat the oven to 350\u00b0F.

Gather the ingredients. The quinoa should be uncooked. Pre-heat the oven to 350°F.

Combine coconut oil, honey, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, and salt in a small pan and bring to a simmer over medium heat.

Combine coconut oil, honey, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, and salt in a small pan and bring to a simmer over medium heat.

In a large bowl, combine the quinoa, oats and walnuts.

In a large bowl, combine the quinoa, oats and walnuts.

Pour the liquid mixture into the dry the mixture.

Pour the liquid mixture into the dry the mixture.

Combine until the mixture until it is well coated.

Combine until the mixture until it is well coated.

Spread the mixture on a rimmed baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Spread the mixture on a rimmed baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Try to spread out mixture into a thin layer.

Try to spread out mixture into a thin layer.

Bake for 15 minutes.

Bake for 15 minutes.

Remove from the oven, and add the coconut flakes.

Remove from the oven, and add the coconut flakes.

Add the pumpkin seeds.

Add the pumpkin seeds.

Mix up, and then spread out into a thin layer. Return to oven. Continue baking for another 10 or 15 minutes,  until the granola is  golden brown and smells  toasty.

Mix up, and then spread out into a thin layer. Return to oven. Continue baking for another 10 or 15 minutes, until the granola is golden brown and smells toasty.

Place the baking sheet on a wire rack and cool the granola to room temperature.

Place the baking sheet on a wire rack and cool the granola to room temperature.

Mix in the dried cherries. Store in an airtight containers.

  • 1/4c virgin coconut oil
  • 1/2c honey
  • 1.5tsp teaspoons vanilla bean paste or extract
  • 1.0tsp ground cinnamon
  • 2.0c old-fashioned oats
  • 1.0pch salt
  • 1.0c Walnuts
  • 1.0c Unsweetened coconut flakes
  • 2.0c Uncooked quinoa
  • 1/2c Shelled pumpkin seeds
  • 1/2c Dried cherries