How to make pumpkin pretzels

Make Pumpkin Pretzels


First, you will need to get all of your supplies together.

First, you will need to get all of your supplies together.

You will put your shortening (or butter) and mix it with your white chocolate chips.

You will put your shortening (or butter) and mix it with your white chocolate chips.

After you warm up your white chocolate chips and shortening (or butter) you need to add your food coloring.

After you warm up your white chocolate chips and shortening (or butter) you need to add your food coloring.

If it is not your desired orange color, add more coloring.

If it is not your desired orange color, add more coloring.

Next get out your pretzels.

Next get out your pretzels.

Dip your pretzels into the orange chocolate.

Dip your pretzels into the orange chocolate.

Make sure both sides of your pretzel are thoroughly dipped.

Make sure both sides of your pretzel are thoroughly dipped.

Place your pretzel on a piece of wax paper to dry.

Place your pretzel on a piece of wax paper to dry.

Then, add your green M&M for your stem.

Then, add your green M&M for your stem.

Add your stem to your pumpkin.

Add your stem to your pumpkin.

Let your pumpkins dry for an hour, and ENJOY!

  • Orange Food Coloring
  • Pretzels
  • White Chocolate Chips
  • Green M&M's
  • Shortening
  • Microwave