How to make princess leia endor rebel costume pants
Don't know how to sew? Me either. Here is a walk through for how to make pants for a Princess Leia Endor Rebel pants.
If you don't have fairy godmothers or just can't sew, find some blue leggings online. I went and bought a light blue pair of leggings from target.
Next, go to your local fabric store and get yellow ribbon and heat n bond. I went to Joanne's and got three yards of yellow ribbon because I'm 5'2. So make sure to get enough ribbon for your height.
I got a ribbon 7/8 inches wide.
Make sure to buy heat n bond that is just as wide as your ribbon!
Now that you have all your supplies it's time to make the magic happen. First measure out how much ribbon you need for one side. The easiest way is to lay out the pants and lay the ribbon next to it.
Now that you have your length cut the yellow ribbon at the end where you want it. Make sure to leave extra length in case you fudge it.
Next, make sure to get an equal amount of heat n bond for your ribbon. You can lay it out side by side or measure it out.
Time to bond the ribbon. Lay out the ribbon with the nice side facing down. My finger is Pointing to the nice side. We want the inside part to bond so we don't see it once we put it on the pants.
The heat n bond has two sides. Make sure to put the rough looking side facing the inside if the ribbon. Line up the ribbon & the heat n bond & when you are ready press the iron for 2 seconds on them.
Make sure the iron is set to medium. You can use pins to hold the ribbon in place as you fuse the ribbon with heat n bond. Do this process until you have fused all the ribbon.
Now they are fused! Time to put them on the pants.
To identify the middle you can lay out the pants and iron the edge. Once you are done ironing the edge you will see a crease that will help you when you fuse the ribbon onto the pants.
Now arrange the pants on the side you are going to add the ribbon to. You will see the crease where you will lay the ribbon on top of to fuse it to the pants.
Before you lay the ribbon on top of the pants to fuse it, you will need to peel off the other side of the heat n bond. You'll see a shiny sticky side. You'll want to lay this shiny side on the pants.
Now lay the ribbon on top of the crease you created. When you are ready press the iron on top of the ribbon. Hold it for about 8 seconds. Repeat this until all the ribbon is fused to the pants.
Congratulations young padawan you have successfully completed one side of you pants! Now go repeat these steps for the other side of the pants.
Now go forth and rock the ish out of your endor rebel pants.
Don't forget to get some black boots!
Flaunt those sexy pants! You'll be sure to have the best costume.
Make sure to take pictures in the woods.
- Blue leggings
- About 3 yards of Yellow ribbon ( 7/8 in wide)
- Heat n Bond (7/8 in)
- Iron
- Scissors
- Safety pins
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