How to make power ruby beetroot juice!

This powerfully anti-oxidising, detoxifying juice looks as beautiful as it sounds! and the benefits are truly magical!


Freshly washed organic beetroot leaves, beetroot root, apple and lemon... get ready to start the ruby extraction!!

Freshly washed organic beetroot leaves, beetroot root, apple and lemon... get ready to start the ruby extraction!!

Beetroot is a terrific vegetable - originally only the leaves were used and the root was discarded! Now the properties of the whole plant have been researched & found to be powerfully anti-oxidising!

Properties of beets: Anti-inflammatory; Feeds and Strengthens the Gallbladder and Liver; Protects From Heart Disease; Reduces risk of cancer. They are a source of betaine, salicylic acid & vitamin C.

Chop up beetroot into small pieces to make it easier for the juicer to process...

Chop up beetroot into small pieces to make it easier for the juicer to process...

Freshly cut wheatgrass!!!! Home grown, I added a shot of this powerful green magic to the juice to give it some real spunk!!

Freshly cut wheatgrass!!!! Home grown, I added a shot of this powerful green magic to the juice to give it some real spunk!!

Organic kale, freshly washed and ready to pop in to the juicer!!!

Organic kale, freshly washed and ready to pop in to the juicer!!!

Dark green spinach leaves!! Full of iron and chlorophyll and waiting to impart their delicious goodness on to you!!!

Dark green spinach leaves!! Full of iron and chlorophyll and waiting to impart their delicious goodness on to you!!!

Chop everything up and feed it into the neck of the juicer. Watch as the beautiful liquid pours out into the collecting bowl. Beetroot juice is potent so dilute with water or add apples to sweeten!

Chop everything up and feed it into the neck of the juicer. Watch as the beautiful liquid pours out into the collecting bowl. Beetroot juice is potent so dilute with water or add apples to sweeten!

Out of the juicer comes the most marvelous, smooth, ruby liquid. With the addition of the green powder this becomes a power juice!! And a yummy one too!!!!

If you are interested in the INCREDIBLE benefits of wheatgrass, or need any persuasion why you should drink it, look here: - STUNNING!

For some more fantastic information, see: Thanks for checking this guide out!! Let me know what you think!! To your good health!

  • Beetroot leaves
  • Beetroot root
  • Spinach leaves
  • Broad leafed kale
  • 1/2 Lemon
  • Apple (sliced)
  • Green Power powder (The Real Thing)
  • Freshly cut wheatgrass