How to make pickle cauliflower carrot in vietnamese style

"Đồ chua". Fresh, sweet and sour. It is excellent to combine with bacon, caramelized pork or anything you like. 5 easy simple steps.


Cut and wash the broccoli under cool water

Cut and wash the broccoli under cool water

Do the same with carrot. U can add cucumber or white radish

Do the same with carrot. U can add cucumber or white radish

Dip in cool water, add 1 tablespoon salt to help them crunchy. Leave them 20mins

Dip in cool water, add 1 tablespoon salt to help them crunchy. Leave them 20mins

Drain in cool water again till dry. Spread them on a tray and let them dry naturally under sunshine during an afternoon. This is the secret of traditional recipe.

Drain in cool water again till dry. Spread them on a tray and let them dry naturally under sunshine during an afternoon. This is the secret of traditional recipe.

1:2:2 is a ratio to make the pickle water. 1 cup sugar : 2 cup water : 2 cup vinegar  Mix them till the sugar dissolved

1:2:2 is a ratio to make the pickle water. 1 cup sugar : 2 cup water : 2 cup vinegar Mix them till the sugar dissolved

.Press vegetable in a glass bottle (do not use the plastic one).Pour water mixture in and keep in cool place. *It is ready 2 days later* after, u should keep them in fridge to prevent being too sour

Ta da!!! I add chili because I love its flavor. U can do the same with garlic and shallot if u like.  The broccoli and carrot are crunchy, sweet and sour enough to enhance your main dish as meat :)

Ta da!!! I add chili because I love its flavor. U can do the same with garlic and shallot if u like. The broccoli and carrot are crunchy, sweet and sour enough to enhance your main dish as meat :)

  • 1/2 Broccoli
  • Chilli
  • Carrot
  • Sugar
  • Vinegar
  • Cold water