How to make paul's hot chilli sauce

Remember to wear gloves before you start. You may want to wear a face mask as well (like the ones used whilst painting) we found this out afterwards. Paul's Awesome sauce!


Chop the chillies. It takes more than a few washes with soap and water, even after you have washed your hands tons of times if you rub your eye etc it WILL burn!! Please wear gloves :)

Chop the chillies. It takes more than a few washes with soap and water, even after you have washed your hands tons of times if you rub your eye etc it WILL burn!! Please wear gloves :)

We used birds eye chillies and...

We used birds eye chillies and...

Scotch bonnet chillies. Available from most super markets. Sainsburys, Tesco and Waitrose all sell them.

Scotch bonnet chillies. Available from most super markets. Sainsburys, Tesco and Waitrose all sell them.

You will need chopped tomatoes. We use the basics as it's only going to be pur\u00e9e base.

You will need chopped tomatoes. We use the basics as it's only going to be purée base.

You need some good vinegar.

You need some good vinegar.

Also some caster sugar.

Also some caster sugar.

And a large onion, chopped. Place this with a little oil in a pan. You are now creating the base for your chillies.

And a large onion, chopped. Place this with a little oil in a pan. You are now creating the base for your chillies.

Add the chopped chillies to the onions.

Add the chopped chillies to the onions.

Simmer until they all get soft.This is where u may need masks as the steam is very very chilli potent. We discovered this after the people in the front room had sore eyes. Please keep any doors closed

Simmer until they all get soft.This is where u may need masks as the steam is very very chilli potent. We discovered this after the people in the front room had sore eyes. Please keep any doors closed

Mix in your chopped tomatoes.

Mix in your chopped tomatoes.

Add about a table spoon of vinegar. This helps in the breakdown.

Add about a table spoon of vinegar. This helps in the breakdown.

Add a couple of table spoons of sugar to taste. You need at least two to contrast the tomato.

Add a couple of table spoons of sugar to taste. You need at least two to contrast the tomato.

Add black pepper to taste, just adds a nice edge.

Add black pepper to taste, just adds a nice edge.

A glass of water add to the pan.

A glass of water add to the pan.

Some lemon or lime juice to taste.

Some lemon or lime juice to taste.

We used limes.

We used limes.

We also added the insides without any seeds.

We also added the insides without any seeds.



After your mixture has cooled a little whizz it in the blender till it is smooth.

After your mixture has cooled a little whizz it in the blender till it is smooth.

After your mixture has cooled a little whizz it in the blender till it is smooth.

After your mixture has cooled a little whizz it in the blender till it is smooth.

Return to the pan and heat.

Return to the pan and heat.

Next place your clean jars into a bowl.

Next place your clean jars into a bowl.

Add boiling water.

Add boiling water.

Add the boiled chilli sauce.

Add the boiled chilli sauce.

Next add the lids and screw on tightly. Leave to cool. When the jar and mix cools it creates a pop seal on your jars. This re-breaks once opened. Unopened they are now preserved with an intact seal.

Next add the lids and screw on tightly. Leave to cool. When the jar and mix cools it creates a pop seal on your jars. This re-breaks once opened. Unopened they are now preserved with an intact seal.

  • 2.0 Gloves
  • 4.0 Empty clean (jam) jars
  • 1.0 Saucepan
  • 1.0 A knife
  • 1.0 A large bowl
  • 1.0 Metal spoon
  • 1.0 Glass of water
  • 1.0bnch Scotch bonnet chilli
  • 1.0bnch Birds eye chilli
  • 1.0Tbsp Vinegar
  • 1.0 Large onion
  • 1/2pt Chopped tomatoes
  • 1.0 Lime
  • 1.0pch Pepper
  • Labels and pen