How to make parakeet treats

Make Parakeet Treats


The supplies you will need are 4 tbs oats and 4 tablespoon parakeet food mixed, 2 tbs rice a cookie cutter, 1 tbs water, 2 tbs honey optional: fish oil 1 drop, foil and a blade

The supplies you will need are 4 tbs oats and 4 tablespoon parakeet food mixed, 2 tbs rice a cookie cutter, 1 tbs water, 2 tbs honey optional: fish oil 1 drop, foil and a blade

Mix the oats and parakeet mix

Mix the oats and parakeet mix

Add the rice

Add the rice

Mix well

Mix well

Add the water

Add the water

Add the honey little by little

Add the honey little by little

Mix well again

Mix well again

Add flour if the mixture gets too sticky

Add flour if the mixture gets too sticky

Place the dough on aluminum foil or on a tabletop

Place the dough on aluminum foil or on a tabletop

Add flour over the dough to get a better consistency

Add flour over the dough to get a better consistency

Kneed the dough

Kneed the dough

Flatten it

Flatten it

Cut out different shapes with the cookie cutter and blade

Cut out different shapes with the cookie cutter and blade

Sprinkle with flour

Sprinkle with flour

Place in the fridge for 45 min

Enjoy :)

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