How to make paper from recycled newspaper

Make Paper From Recycled Newspaper


Tear newspaper into tiny pieces. The smaller the pieces are, the easier they are to blend.

Tear newspaper into tiny pieces. The smaller the pieces are, the easier they are to blend.

Add leaves, herbs, flower petals or any other texture adding things:) make sure to also rip these up!

Add leaves, herbs, flower petals or any other texture adding things:) make sure to also rip these up!

Add hot water and let sit for approximately 30 min. This breaks down the fibers a bit before you...

Add hot water and let sit for approximately 30 min. This breaks down the fibers a bit before you...

Blend baby blend! Just enough so that it is smooth. To help your blender along you may need to add in quite a bit of water.

Blend baby blend! Just enough so that it is smooth. To help your blender along you may need to add in quite a bit of water.

Place your screen in a pan or dish and add about 3 cm of water. Then, pour your pulp smoothie on top, just enough to cover it.

Place your screen in a pan or dish and add about 3 cm of water. Then, pour your pulp smoothie on top, just enough to cover it.

Take your screen out of the water and let it drip dry for about 10 min

Take your screen out of the water and let it drip dry for about 10 min

Next, lay the screen on top of a towel and fold the towel over to pat the pulp dry-- do not worry, pieces will not come off, it will remain in sheet form

Next, carefully peel the pulp sheet off of the screen.

Next, carefully peel the pulp sheet off of the screen.

Like so.

Like so.

Lay to dry on some newspaper. For speedy drying place next to a source of heat, this for me is a wood stove.

Lay to dry on some newspaper. For speedy drying place next to a source of heat, this for me is a wood stove.

When dry, use to make cards, gift tags or whatever else your creative mind thinks up! I will be using mine to practice Chinese calligraphy on for a school project. C'est toute! Bon chance!

Final product

Final product

  • 1.0 Square piece of screen
  • Newspaper
  • Blender
  • Towel or tea cloth
  • Optional leaves, food coloring or veggie scraps
  • Pan