How to make pap with a traditional african food

Make Pap With a Traditional African Food


Always remember to wash your hands before making the dish

Always remember to wash your hands before making the dish

Gather up your ingredient and tool you will need Maize meal And a jar filled with water

Gather up your ingredient and tool you will need Maize meal And a jar filled with water

Pour bowl of maize meal

Pour bowl of maize meal

Pour half a bowl of water

Pour half a bowl of water

Mix the maize meal until it looks more like porridge

Mix the maize meal until it looks more like porridge

Pour the maize meal in the pot

Pour the maize meal in the pot

Then you mix the pap in the pot

Then put the pap on the pot and wait for 5 minutes

Then after waiting 5 minutes mix the pap hard to prevent lumps

Then wait another 5 minutes and mix the pap

Turn off the stove

Dish up the pap

Dish up the pap

And that is how the dish is made

And that is how the dish is made

The creator of this guide has not included ingredients