How to make origami claws

Make Origami Claws


Pull the left corner to the middle of the right side, then align the sides.

Pull the left corner to the middle of the right side, then align the sides.

Pull the pointy left corner to the bottom corner, then align sides.

Pull the pointy left corner to the bottom corner, then align sides.

Pull the left corner fold it in half so it looks like a square

Pull the left corner fold it in half so it looks like a square

fold it in diagonally in half so it's a triangle

fold it in diagonally in half so it's a triangle

Align three fingers at the top left corner, then overlap the right corner where your 3nd finger is

Align three fingers at the top left corner, then overlap the right corner where your 3nd finger is

Fold it over again

Fold it over again

Fold once more and you'll see a hole to put the extra paper flap in

Fold once more and you'll see a hole to put the extra paper flap in

last step is that you have to make a hole for you finger then decorate

  • 10 pieces of paper