How to make oreo rings

Make Oreo Rings


Take your oreos

Take your oreos

Put it in a bag and take your crusher

Put it in a bag and take your crusher

Crush your Oreos to bits this was my favorite part

Crush your Oreos to bits this was my favorite part

Take your peanut butter

Take your peanut butter

Put your Oreos in a bowl put the peanut butter in and mix it with what you want

Put your Oreos in a bowl put the peanut butter in and mix it with what you want

This is what mine looked like when I finished mixing it

This is what mine looked like when I finished mixing it

Take you board and put wax paper over it

Take you board and put wax paper over it

Shape your rings and put raspberries on top

Shape your rings and put raspberries on top

Put another Oreo on top just to make it look nicer and cool. And then your done

At the end put in fridge for an hour

The creator of this guide has not included ingredients