How to make old-fashioned hand churned butter

The old fashioned method of hand churning butter is something that should be tried at least once during a lifetime.


Gather ingredients and tools. I used a butter churn from Lehman's but you can also use a mason jar with a top. If you want a quicker version, you can use a food processor.

Gather ingredients and tools. I used a butter churn from Lehman's but you can also use a mason jar with a top. If you want a quicker version, you can use a food processor.

Let  the cream sit out at room temperature to ripen for 2-3 hours. Pour the cream  into the butter churn.

Let the cream sit out at room temperature to ripen for 2-3 hours. Pour the cream into the butter churn.

After letting the cream sit at room temperature for 2 1/2 hours to ripen, you can see the thickness of the cream form at the top of the jar.

After letting the cream sit at room temperature for 2 1/2 hours to ripen, you can see the thickness of the cream form at the top of the jar.

After 35 minutes, you can see the cream "seized" and turned to butter. The liquid in the middle is buttermilk.

After 35 minutes, you can see the cream "seized" and turned to butter. The liquid in the middle is buttermilk.

Strain the butter and buttermilk over a bowl. Don't discard the buttermilk. Save it for Sunday pancakes. :) My butter yielded one cup of buttermilk .

Strain the butter and buttermilk over a bowl. Don't discard the buttermilk. Save it for Sunday pancakes. :) My butter yielded one cup of buttermilk .

Here is a close up of the butter on top and the buttermilk straining on the bottom.

Here is a close up of the butter on top and the buttermilk straining on the bottom.

Once the water runs clear, your butter is ready! Add a couple pinches of high quality flake salt. Refrigerate the butter an airtight container or roll it in wax paper. Get ready for a treat!

  • 2 pints whipping cream or heavy cream
  • Butter Churner or Mason Jar
  • Water
  • High quality flake salt