How to make my mother chocolate cheat

My mother found a way to tempt us. Get up, have breakfast and go to school. It worked. Really so delicious. And so healthy..a great snack anytime


The ref of this guide is soniafares15



Creamy no fat yogurt

Creamy no fat yogurt

In a food processor, or in a liquidizer . Put the three ingredients . Mix until you obtain a spread. Adjust to taste. Add more of any ingredient to make it a chocolaty spread. You would Luv it

You can always use cream instead of z strained yogurt. Or you might use thick Greek yogurt. But to strain your favourit no-fat organic yogurt is a health luxury. And it is so simple here how➡

Empty 2 pots or?? On a double kitchen paper

Empty 2 pots or?? On a double kitchen paper

Like this

Like this

Fold 2 opposite ends then

Fold 2 opposite ends then

Fold the other two like above

Fold the other two like above

Turn and put on the back side of a strainer

Turn and put on the back side of a strainer

Or just put them on the empty  yogurt. No washing up ??

Or just put them on the empty yogurt. No washing up ??

My sister on the right and me on the left.

  • 2.0Tbsp Yogurt fat free and creamy strained
  • 4.0Tbsp Dates
  • 2.0Tbsp Cacao non sweetened