How to make million dollar bacon

Make Million Dollar Bacon


Preheat oven to 375 degrees

Preheat oven to 375 degrees

Line cookie sheet with albumin foil. Spread out bacon on cookie sheet.

Line cookie sheet with albumin foil. Spread out bacon on cookie sheet.

Dark or light brown sugar will work

Dark or light brown sugar will work

Spread out brown sugar evenly.

Spread out brown sugar evenly.

Use as much brown sugar as it takes to cover the bacon.

Use as much brown sugar as it takes to cover the bacon.

Red chili peppers!

Red chili peppers!

Evenly shake red chili peppers over the brown sugar coved bacon.

Evenly shake red chili peppers over the brown sugar coved bacon.

Place in oven and set timer for 7-9 minutes. Check half way thru to make sure the bacon is crispy but not burning.

Place in oven and set timer for 7-9 minutes. Check half way thru to make sure the bacon is crispy but not burning.

And then enjoy!

  • 1/2 to 1 pound of thick cut bacon
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1 baking pan or cookie sheet
  • Red Pepper Flakes