How to make metal art from drink cans

Make Metal Art From Drink Cans


Foil wrapped around the board.

Foil wrapped around the board.

Using hot glue place the center of your flower where it appeals to you. Tack down with tiny finishing nails

Continuing to add petals.

Continuing to add petals.

Tap in finishing nails around the center securing the smaller petals in place.

Tap in finishing nails around the center securing the smaller petals in place.

Hot glue tips of petals under each other. Allowing overlap.

Hot glue tips of petals under each other. Allowing overlap.

Fold over petals to back of board. Glue and tax in place.

Fold over petals to back of board. Glue and tax in place.

Hot glue is used to create long squiggles.

Hot glue is used to create long squiggles.

Foil is layered over the squiggles and worked into the wood.

Foil is layered over the squiggles and worked into the wood.

This art piece is complete at this point. I decided to add color and bronzing powder

This art piece is complete at this point. I decided to add color and bronzing powder

Adding color is an option in this soda can splendiferous work of art.

Adding color is an option in this soda can splendiferous work of art.

When using a bronzing powder spray a clear coat over you piece to adhere the powder.

When using a bronzing powder spray a clear coat over you piece to adhere the powder.

  • Drink cans
  • Piece of wood size of choice
  • Scissors
  • Pen or stylist
  • Hot glue
  • Metal foil
  • Tiny brass finishing nails
  • Tac hammer