How to make mason jar drink cups



This is the grommet that works well!  It is easy to get on the hole once you drill it.  3/8" grommet is perfect for the large Starbucks cold beverage straws.

This is the grommet that works well! It is easy to get on the hole once you drill it. 3/8" grommet is perfect for the large Starbucks cold beverage straws.

We bought a case of mason jars, 24 oz.  You could go smaller.

We bought a case of mason jars, 24 oz. You could go smaller.

Drill holding top of lid.  Place it on a flat piece of wood to prevent puckering and drill at a slow speed.  We used a 1/2" bit.

Drill holding top of lid. Place it on a flat piece of wood to prevent puckering and drill at a slow speed. We used a 1/2" bit.

Place the grommet in the hole.

Place the grommet in the hole.

Perfect fit!

Perfect fit!

These beauties are filled with margaritas!!

  • Mason jar(s)
  • Straw(s)
  • 3/8" neoprene grommet(s)
  • 1/2" drill bit