How to make mango fried salmon

Make Mango Fried Salmon


Garlic and red peppers smashed together

Garlic and red peppers smashed together

To make the sauce: Add the smashed up garlic and red pepper into fish sauce and sugar

To make the sauce: Add the smashed up garlic and red pepper into fish sauce and sugar

Prepare the mango into slices

Prepare the mango into slices

Dry fish with paper towel so it won't splash as much when frying. Fry in pan with oil on high for first 5 min then medium with lid until cooked and skin is golden

Dry fish with paper towel so it won't splash as much when frying. Fry in pan with oil on high for first 5 min then medium with lid until cooked and skin is golden

Drizzle sauce onto fish and eat with the mango

The creator of this guide has not included ingredients