How to make link to specific start point on youtube video

Make Link to Specific Start Point on YouTube Video


So you want to share a link to a YouTube video, but it's long and you want to direct the viewer to a specific part.

First, go to the video and capture the link.

After deciding where you want to link on the video, you'll need to add a little code to the end of the link. The code will include the time in minutes and seconds.

At the end of the link, add the following: #t=XmXXs where time equals the number of minutes and seconds. Sub in the time you want to use for the X in the code. See this example code: #t=2m34s

After adding start time to the end of the link, share the new link and the viewer will be taken to the specific place on the video. Please follow me here at Snapguide or online at

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