How to make letter/canvas artwork

Make Letter/Canvas Artwork


Type out the alphabet and make some of the letters a different colour. Font is century gothic bold. I chose size 260.

Type out the alphabet and make some of the letters a different colour. Font is century gothic bold. I chose size 260.

Print and cut letter out.

Print and cut letter out.

Lay out the letters on the canvas.

Lay out the letters on the canvas.

Glue the letters on. Fist glue the bottom, the place the glue on top. Fully coat the letters.

Glue the letters on. Fist glue the bottom, the place the glue on top. Fully coat the letters.

Add a final layer of glue at the end.

Add a final layer of glue at the end.

Let dry and hang. The colours may bleed a bit. I like the vintage look of it.

  • Paper
  • Printer
  • Scissors
  • Mod Podge (craft glue)
  • Canvas
  • Brush