How to make lemon salt

Lemon salt can be used for finishing dishes like grilled fish or salads, season foods cooked at high heat, or sprinkled on popcorn.


Zest lemons and place the zest in a bowl. Add the salt. Knead zest and salt with your fingers.

Zest lemons and place the zest in a bowl. Add the salt. Knead zest and salt with your fingers.

Place parchment paper on a baking sheet. Divide mixture evenly-y lemon salt. Bake 15 minutes at 65\u00b0C (thermostat 2). The salt must be dry and dehydrated zest.

Place parchment paper on a baking sheet. Divide mixture evenly-y lemon salt. Bake 15 minutes at 65°C (thermostat 2). The salt must be dry and dehydrated zest.

Cool completely out of the oven and crumble the pieces with your fingers. Transfer to an airtight jar and label.

  • 1/2c Sea salt (coarse salt)
  • 2.0 Small lemons thoroughly cleaned and brushed