How to make lemon marmalade (with shreds)

A simple recipe, great for a first foray into jam making. Very tasty too!


Stuff you will need.

Stuff you will need.

You might need a jam funnel if you are clumsy like me. Hot marmalade is deliciously painful.

You might need a jam funnel if you are clumsy like me. Hot marmalade is deliciously painful.

To be fair I haven't used this yet. I tied my jelly bag to the handle of my maslin pan when I needed to strain jam.

To be fair I haven't used this yet. I tied my jelly bag to the handle of my maslin pan when I needed to strain jam.

Chop lemons. Remove as much white pith as possible and keep separate. Place pith and pips into netting/muslin/jam bag. Place flesh, juice and shredded zest into pan with water.

Chop lemons. Remove as much white pith as possible and keep separate. Place pith and pips into netting/muslin/jam bag. Place flesh, juice and shredded zest into pan with water.

Bring to the boil, then turn down the heat and simmer 1h/until peel is soft. Remove bag of pith, squeezing out any juice into the pan. Discard pith.

Add sugar and stir until dissolved. Bring back to the boil and boil rapidly for 20min/until setting point is reached.

Reducing nicely. If scum appears, skim it off (or mix it in like I did and end up with cloudy marm!).

Reducing nicely. If scum appears, skim it off (or mix it in like I did and end up with cloudy marm!).

Remove pan from heat while you test for set. To test for set, drop a blob of marmalade on the cold saucer and poke it with your finger. If it wrinkles up, it is ready to go. If not, keep boiling.

Transfer into sterilised jars, top with a paper disc and close lid tightly. Will keep approx. 1 year, if you can resist temptation. Once open, it must go in the fridge.

Ta da!

Ta da!



Make your jars look pretty :) (remember a 'made on' or 'use by' date)

Make sure you label the marmalade well.

Make sure you label the marmalade well.

Now find someone else to do the washing up...!

  • 1/2lb Lemons
  • 1/2lb Sugar
  • 1.0 Maslin pan/saucepan
  • 1.0 Wooden spoon/jam spoon
  • 1.0 Muslin/net (or jelly bag)
  • 1.0 Knife & chopping board
  • 1.0 Jam funnel
  • 1.0 Cold saucer (in freezer)
  • 1.0 Teaspoon
  • 2.0 Bowls
  • 3.0 Jam jars & lid each
  • 3.0 Wax discs
  • 1/2pt Water