How to make lamp shade silhouettes

Make Lamp Shade Silhouettes


You will need a lamp with a light colored shade

You will need a lamp with a light colored shade

Pick out a sillhouete, I picked Peter Pan and Wendy

Pick out a sillhouete, I picked Peter Pan and Wendy

I you can't find your picture in a Silloheute you can make it black via Microsoft word

I you can't find your picture in a Silloheute you can make it black via Microsoft word

Just adjust the picture brightness until it becomes black, make sure the picture has a transparent background

Just adjust the picture brightness until it becomes black, make sure the picture has a transparent background

Cut out your pictures

Cut out your pictures

Glue them to the inside of your lamp

Glue them to the inside of your lamp

Turn on the light and enjoy!

  • Lamp with light colored shade
  • Computer
  • Internet access
  • Printer
  • Glue or tape