How to make kracie popin cookin happykitchen hamburgerdiy

Very Detailed Step by Step Instructions, making it impossible to fail making the DIY Popin Cookin Happy Kitchen Hamburger Kit


Gather your supplies-You will need:Water, Tape, 2 Toothpicks and Scissors and make sure you have a microwave nearby before you start the Hamburger Popin Cookin DIY Kit-Open box and DO NOT RIP Package!

Gather your supplies-You will need:Water, Tape, 2 Toothpicks and Scissors and make sure you have a microwave nearby before you start the Hamburger Popin Cookin DIY Kit-Open box and DO NOT RIP Package!

After opening the box you will find Inner Package--You will need to cut pieces out of package to use for cup, fries and burger  accessories.

After opening the box you will find Inner Package--You will need to cut pieces out of package to use for cup, fries and burger accessories.

Turn Package over and find the guidelines for cutting out your accessories-- You will need to cut out and assemble Fry Bag, Cup Label, Burger Picks/Flag, Cheese Rolling Guide, and Placemat

Turn Package over and find the guidelines for cutting out your accessories-- You will need to cut out and assemble Fry Bag, Cup Label, Burger Picks/Flag, Cheese Rolling Guide, and Placemat

Top Left: Cup Label--Bottom Left:  Fry Bag--Top & Bottom Right: Burger Flags

Top Left: Cup Label--Bottom Left: Fry Bag--Top & Bottom Right: Burger Flags

Top BLUE Rectangle: Cheese Rolling/Sizing Guide--BOTTOM: Directions for Cutting, Folding and Assembling Labels and Bags

Top BLUE Rectangle: Cheese Rolling/Sizing Guide--BOTTOM: Directions for Cutting, Folding and Assembling Labels and Bags

Cut Front of Package to use as Placemat

Cut Front of Package to use as Placemat

All Materials Are Shown as they need to be cut--Now time to assemble

All Materials Are Shown as they need to be cut--Now time to assemble

Use Label that says French Fries and Fold in half, overlapping a tiny bit. Then tape vertically down center on Back of Fry Bag

Use Label that says French Fries and Fold in half, overlapping a tiny bit. Then tape vertically down center on Back of Fry Bag

After taping First fold, Fold bottom of Fry Bag up a tiny bit, just enough to overlap and create a closed bottom. Tape closed.

After taping First fold, Fold bottom of Fry Bag up a tiny bit, just enough to overlap and create a closed bottom. Tape closed.

Fry Bag Done, Set Aside

Fry Bag Done, Set Aside

Wrap DRINK label around cup and Tape at back, Set aside.

Wrap DRINK label around cup and Tape at back, Set aside.

Get Flags, Toothpicks and Tape Ready.--Stick Tape to Square end of Flag with a couple centimeter tail.

Get Flags, Toothpicks and Tape Ready.--Stick Tape to Square end of Flag with a couple centimeter tail.

Grab Toothpick and start wrapping the tail end of your tape around the toothpick until it has wrapped until end of tape, so flag flies freely from toothpick.

Grab Toothpick and start wrapping the tail end of your tape around the toothpick until it has wrapped until end of tape, so flag flies freely from toothpick.

Keep rolling  tape until flag is flush with toothpick

Keep rolling tape until flag is flush with toothpick

This is how flag should look-REPEAT with other Flag label.

This is how flag should look-REPEAT with other Flag label.

Now all the the accessories and containers are assembled. Yay!! Time for the F-U-N part!! Set these aside and Empty out Tray that was in Package.

Now all the the accessories and containers are assembled. Yay!! Time for the F-U-N part!! Set these aside and Empty out Tray that was in Package.

Included: Tray, which you will cut apart, Cup which you already labeled,spatula and knife, and 6 Powder Packs-1 BROWN-Burger 2 ORANGE-Bread Bun 3 BLUE-Cheese 4 YELLOW-Fries 5 RED-Ketchup 6 PINK-Cola

Included: Tray, which you will cut apart, Cup which you already labeled,spatula and knife, and 6 Powder Packs-1 BROWN-Burger 2 ORANGE-Bread Bun 3 BLUE-Cheese 4 YELLOW-Fries 5 RED-Ketchup 6 PINK-Cola

Place ingredient packets off to side and get Tray, which will be cut in 3 pieces--First, Cut the small Triangular section--This will be used as Water Scoop

Place ingredient packets off to side and get Tray, which will be cut in 3 pieces--First, Cut the small Triangular section--This will be used as Water Scoop

Next Cut the Long Rectangular 3 Round Compartment Tray-This you will use for Burger (middle) and Buns (ends)

Next Cut the Long Rectangular 3 Round Compartment Tray-This you will use for Burger (middle) and Buns (ends)

Next Cut the Triangular Ribbed bottom part of tray. This will be used primarily for Mixing and Shaping French Fries. After fries are done, this is used as a mixing bowl for other ingredients.

Next Cut the Triangular Ribbed bottom part of tray. This will be used primarily for Mixing and Shaping French Fries. After fries are done, this is used as a mixing bowl for other ingredients.

You should have 4 small trays now *^~^*

You should have 4 small trays now *^~^*

Get YELLOW Packet -French Fries Powder Mix and Ribbed Bottom Fry Tray

Get YELLOW Packet -French Fries Powder Mix and Ribbed Bottom Fry Tray

Add YELLOW French Fry Potato Powder to Triangle Lined bottom tray

Add YELLOW French Fry Potato Powder to Triangle Lined bottom tray

Add 2 Water Scoops--Exactly 2, filled level with included water scooper, no more, no less !!!

Add 2 Water Scoops--Exactly 2, filled level with included water scooper, no more, no less !!!

Mix Potato Powder until all powder is mixed in and doughy texture is formed

Mix Potato Powder until all powder is mixed in and doughy texture is formed

Press potato dough flat to bottom of tray so the dough takes the shape of the tray mold In Order to form the fry shapes-

Press potato dough flat to bottom of tray so the dough takes the shape of the tray mold In Order to form the fry shapes-

Set Microwave for 15 seconds** If u see Bubbles, Stop!! US microwaves are 1000 watts +  videos that say to microwave 50-60 sec. are in Asia: electricity is expensive so appliances are low watt there.

Set Microwave for 15 seconds** If u see Bubbles, Stop!! US microwaves are 1000 watts + videos that say to microwave 50-60 sec. are in Asia: electricity is expensive so appliances are low watt there.

Cooking!! Keep close eye to make sure not exploding! If you see Bubbles STOP!!

Cooking!! Keep close eye to make sure not exploding! If you see Bubbles STOP!!

Yay!! Done!!

Yay!! Done!!

Loosen around edges if needed and Dump Fry Patty out

Loosen around edges if needed and Dump Fry Patty out

Use included Knife to Cut on the lines-This makes your super cute tiny French fries!!!

Use included Knife to Cut on the lines-This makes your super cute tiny French fries!!!

How realistic!!! Fries are done!! **extra info** Popin Cookin kits are made out of natural flavorings and colorings-- No Red No.5 here!!! They use things like Beet juice and plant extracts for color

How realistic!!! Fries are done!! **extra info** Popin Cookin kits are made out of natural flavorings and colorings-- No Red No.5 here!!! They use things like Beet juice and plant extracts for color

Beyond Cute!! Little Bag of French Fries!

Beyond Cute!! Little Bag of French Fries!

Get BROWN Packet BURGER Powder, Square Mixing Tray, Water Scoop, Spatula and Water

Get BROWN Packet BURGER Powder, Square Mixing Tray, Water Scoop, Spatula and Water

Add BROWN Burger Packet Mix to Mixing Tray-Mmm smells good, like Beef Ramen

Add BROWN Burger Packet Mix to Mixing Tray-Mmm smells good, like Beef Ramen

Add 2 Water Scoops

Add 2 Water Scoops

Use spatula to mix well

Use spatula to mix well

Mix until all powder is incorporated into a dough like texture

Mix until all powder is incorporated into a dough like texture

Get 3 circle compartment tray-See in the middle looks like Burger Texture !!! So cute and detailed!!!

Get 3 circle compartment tray-See in the middle looks like Burger Texture !!! So cute and detailed!!!

Transport Burger "Dough" with Spatula to Burger Texture Circle

Transport Burger "Dough" with Spatula to Burger Texture Circle

Ta-Da!!! Burger Patty formed!!

Ta-Da!!! Burger Patty formed!!

Time to Make some Bread!!! Get ORANGE Packet Bread Mix , Square Mixing Tray and Water

Time to Make some Bread!!! Get ORANGE Packet Bread Mix , Square Mixing Tray and Water

Dump ORANGE Bread Powder Packet into Mixing Tray

Dump ORANGE Bread Powder Packet into Mixing Tray

Add 2 Water Scoops

Add 2 Water Scoops

Mix until all powder is dissolved and becomes thick runny texture

Mix until all powder is dissolved and becomes thick runny texture

Transport Mixture Equally between the 2 end circular compartments of Burger/ Bread Mold Tray

Transport Mixture Equally between the 2 end circular compartments of Burger/ Bread Mold Tray

Oua La! Carefully Tap tray on hard surface to remove bubbles

Oua La! Carefully Tap tray on hard surface to remove bubbles

Set Microwave for 15 Seconds, but watch Closely! If mixture starts to bubble over, STOP!

Set Microwave for 15 Seconds, but watch Closely! If mixture starts to bubble over, STOP!

Cooking *^~^*

Cooking *^~^*

All Baked ! Set aside and let cool while finishing other steps

All Baked ! Set aside and let cool while finishing other steps

Get BLUE Packet Cheese Mix, a mixing tray, and Water

Get BLUE Packet Cheese Mix, a mixing tray, and Water

Dump BLUE Cheese Powder Mix into Tray

Dump BLUE Cheese Powder Mix into Tray

Add 1 Water Scoop

Add 1 Water Scoop

Mix until all powder dissolved and doughy texture

Mix until all powder dissolved and doughy texture

Use the cheese rolling mat that you cut from Package and try to roll cheese to size of blue guide

Use the cheese rolling mat that you cut from Package and try to roll cheese to size of blue guide

As you can see my cheese is a little off, but it still works! Knead and stretch cheese as much as you can without it falling apart, then cut in half

As you can see my cheese is a little off, but it still works! Knead and stretch cheese as much as you can without it falling apart, then cut in half

Get RED Packet Ketchup Powder, Water and Mixing Tray-Dump packet in tray

Get RED Packet Ketchup Powder, Water and Mixing Tray-Dump packet in tray

Add 2 Water Scoops

Add 2 Water Scoops

Mix until all powder is dissolved -It will seem runny at first, but it sets after a few seconds

Mix until all powder is dissolved -It will seem runny at first, but it sets after a few seconds

Bread Buns &  Burger should be cool by now-Loosen around edges with Knife

Bread Buns & Burger should be cool by now-Loosen around edges with Knife

Remove onto your placemat

Remove onto your placemat

Cut Burger Patty into 4 equal slices

Cut Burger Patty into 4 equal slices

Cut Each Bread Bun into 2 equal slices

Cut Each Bread Bun into 2 equal slices

Start to Assemble your burger

Start to Assemble your burger

Ketchup should be thickened-Add Ketchup to your Burger

Ketchup should be thickened-Add Ketchup to your Burger

Build a Double Decker Burger-Bread, Burger, Cheese,Ketchup...

Build a Double Decker Burger-Bread, Burger, Cheese,Ketchup...







2 beautiful little Double Decker Burgers!!!

2 beautiful little Double Decker Burgers!!!

Get your final packet: PINK packet Cola Mix-Dump into Drink cup

Get your final packet: PINK packet Cola Mix-Dump into Drink cup

Add Scoop of Water and watch Fizzzzzzz!!

Add Scoop of Water and watch Fizzzzzzz!!

Add scoop of water till liquid reaches about 1 cm from top-This is so fun!!!! Genius candy makers!!! How does it fizz from a powder??

Add scoop of water till liquid reaches about 1 cm from top-This is so fun!!!! Genius candy makers!!! How does it fizz from a powder??

And now we have our Popin' Cookin ' Happy Kitchen Hamburger Mini Meal-Enjoy!

And now we have our Popin' Cookin ' Happy Kitchen Hamburger Mini Meal-Enjoy!

  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • 2 Toothpicks
  • Water
  • Microwave