How to make kefir

Make Kefir


Restart the process by adding grains to clean jar

Restart the process by adding grains to clean jar

Add 750mls of best milk you can get

Add 750mls of best milk you can get

Leave in pantry for 48 hours Notice the \u201cmoat\u201d and the reminder for when to finish Lid is only placed on - not screwed on. Needs to breathe

Leave in pantry for 48 hours Notice the “moat” and the reminder for when to finish Lid is only placed on - not screwed on. Needs to breathe

The brewed Kefir ready to bottle

The brewed Kefir ready to bottle

This milk works well and easy to get. Buy in 1.5litres

This milk works well and easy to get. Buy in 1.5litres

Our container (blue) and the sieve (or colander).  Cleaned and ready to go

Our container (blue) and the sieve (or colander). Cleaned and ready to go

This sieve sits nicely in place. Also tend to do this in the sink in case I spill anything

This sieve sits nicely in place. Also tend to do this in the sink in case I spill anything

The brewed kefir bottle emptied into the sieve

The brewed kefir bottle emptied into the sieve

There tends to be a bit left. Scrape this out if you can. You can also rinse with a tiny bit of filtered water and add it to the mix.   You need to CLEAN the bottle before using again.

There tends to be a bit left. Scrape this out if you can. You can also rinse with a tiny bit of filtered water and add it to the mix. You need to CLEAN the bottle before using again.

Using a spatula stir the mixture

Using a spatula stir the mixture

You might have to lift the sieve to get the rest of it out

You might have to lift the sieve to get the rest of it out

All the kefir stirred into the container and grains remaining

All the kefir stirred into the container and grains remaining

Empty the container into a sterilised bottle

Empty the container into a sterilised bottle

Place in fridge and enjoy.

The creator of this guide has not included ingredients