How to make juice of fruits and vegetables with a blender
Make Juice of Fruits and Vegetables With a Blender
Gather your ingredients, these are the fruits and vegetables I chose, but you can choose whatever you want to. I put the frozen berries in the microwave for a minute before..
Remove the peels.
Cut all ingredients.
Add all ingredients to the blender.
The amount of water depends on what fruits and vegetables you choose. I added about 4 dl of water, it can't be too thick because then it won't become juice.
When there's only thick pulp left in the stainer, pour it into another bowl and continue with the rest of what's in the blender.
Repeat until there's nothing left. You can save the pulp for later and use it the next time you make juice (within reasonable time).
Some people add suger but I've never understood that. Why add sweetness to something that's already naturally sweet?
This is what it looks like. Delicious and healthy.
Please comment if you have any questions and don't forget to check out my other guides :)
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Water
- Blender
- Strainer
- Spoon (or something similar)